Friday, April 23, 2010

About Me

So this is my first blog. Don't really know what I'm doing but thought I'd take a stab at it since I'm just sitting around doing nothing anyway. I'm a wife of nearly 13 years and a mother of 3 so I've been doing this for a while. My husband is a plumber and the one true love of my life not to mention my best friend. My kids are beautiful and talented but what mom doesn't say that??? My favorite household chore is vacuuming; I wish I had one of every floor of my house. My least favorite is washing dishes. My daughters are 13 and 8 (next week) and my son is 11 so they have their designated chores which the girls love to argue with me about. Not my Andrew, he just does it without even having to be told usually. The only thing that boy argues with me about is taking baths...what is it with boys and bathing, it's not like they're cats or something. Oh yes, and the cats! I have 3 and they are all named after UFC fighters (my idea, not my husbands shockingly). They follow me around while I complete my mundane housewifey tasks and listen to me sing terribly to myself. Sometimes I throw the smaller ones up in the air and pretend that they like it. You'll find I have a bizarre sense of humor and that's the way I like it. My kids give me strange looks, my husband and sometimes my friends. I don't think my friends know what kind of look to give me sometimes. A friend of mine came up with the idea of the Real Housewives of Lake County, which is located on the North Shore of Lake Superior in Minnesota. I'm located somewhere between sleepy little Silver Bay and the roughneck Finland. So lets see how this blog thing goes for me and my housewife life.

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