Monday, April 26, 2010

W is for Weekends

Anybody who's a housie knows that a woman needs to break away from the usual bump and grind every now and again. That includes, but is not limited to, getting out of the house...a break from the kids...or refusing momentarily to do any housework. So from time to time I will be posting a weekend wrap-up to let everyone know how I handle this delicate situation.

Friends: an important part of life if you want to stay sane. My husband and I got an unexpected invite to go smelting on Friday. How could we resist! We've never been and anything that involves sitting on the beach with a campfire and talkative friends is too tempting to resist. Oh, for those of you who don't know what smelting's a bunch of dudes in waders standing around at the mouth of a river with long nets waiting for little silver fish to magically jump in so they can later bite the heads off and batter fry the suckers. So Miss Nikki and I made some new friends and had a blast being Superior beach babes (meaning, you're not in a bikini, but rather a parka).

Ahhhh, home to relax with the husband. That was Saturday's chore, though not much of a chore. That reminds me, this is where the failure to complete household tasks comes into play. Who wants to do dishes when they can watch movies with their best man all day? If I'm really lucky - and rub two sticks together - one of my kids will do the dishes for me. It happened Sunday and I didn't even have to rub two sticks together! Thank you my wonderful Marisa because I didn't have to ask let alone BEG. Sunday was also family movie afternoon. Unfortunately, my oldest daughter was babysitting so she didn't get to chill with us. We watched the Fantastic Mr. Fox, which was shot in stopmotion style so I loved it. Not to mention it's based on the book by Roald Dahl, who has a bizarre sense of humor.

That was my weekend in a nutshell...until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Yes, we ate heads off smelt! Go, Lake Superior Divas! We couldn't get Danette outta the Lake LOL!
